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Retired Assistant Vice Chancellor |
Welcome to Don's home page. My first love has always been computers. I started with them back in 1967 at UC San Diego when I learned "DITRAN" as an undergraduate. After I transferred to UCLA in 1968 I got a job working for the Campus Computing Network (later called Office of Academic Computing and then Academic Technology Services) and worked my way up from a consultant, to a systems programmer, to Manager of the Microcomputer Support Office. On the side, during the late 70's and early 80's I wrote books and software for the Apple II personal computer, such as Beneath Apple DOS. (You can download my first game for the Apple II - Beneath Apple Manor - this version runs on a PC. BAM was the first computer RPG, predating Rogue by two years.) The last few years at OAC I worked on the Bruin OnLine project (which provides email and network dialup to UCLA's faculty, staff and students) and the CLICC student lab in Powell Library. In the Fall of 1997, I moved to UCLA's Administrative Information Systems (AIS) as Manager of Planning and Architecture. In July, 1999 I became Director of AIS. I retired as Assistant Vice Chancellor after 38 years at UCLA in 2008 and then worked part time for a year as Special Assistant to the Administrative Vice Chancellor.
On the side I have been building (and helping build) web sites for various groups:
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Donny & "Sunny" circa 1949 |
Don Worth, 1996 |
Joseph and Selina (Dyson) Worth
about 1860, Yorkshire, EnglandGenealogy
My wife and I have been tracing our family trees ever since we were married in 1976. I have ancestors on both sides of the Revolutionary War as well as 17th century immigrants to America. My father's side of the family came over from England in the early 1900's, having been involved in the woolen industry there. One of my family lines goes back to Edward I of England (and thence to William the Conqueror.) Recently I've published my family history with hundreds of scanned photographs. I've found that Genealogy really brings history to life for me. Here is my wife, Carley's Bishir family web site. (or www.bisher.info)
Cpl. Don WorthThe American Civil War
I am an absolute nut about the Civil War - I have no idea why. Ever since I first got my Avalon Hill Gettysburg game when I was 10 years old, it has fascinated me. There have been some tie-ins with my general interest in history and genealogy (although it has been a source of frustration to me that my wife has Civil War soldier ancestors and I do not - check out the unit history for her ancestor's regiment, the 48th OVVI.) I have been reenacting since 1997 as part of the 3rd Georgia Infantry, Co. G and the 2nd Vermont Infantry, Co. E at Ft. Tejon State Historic Park.
Photo Journal from my 2001 trip to Gettysburg More photos from my trips to Civil War battlefields
"Where's Worth?"
Pvt. Don "Billy Yank" Worth with the 2nd Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Co. E, Fresno, CA, 1999
(Click on the one you think is me!)
Obscure Swedish Power Metal AlbumMETAL RULES!!
In the '70s I was into Deep Purple, Led Zep and Black Sabbath. Three years ago I bought a Metallica CD. There was no turning back! Now I'm on to European Power Metal and Swedish Death Metal. It isn't exactly in the mainstream - and some of the stuff is hard to get. But it is better than caffine at getting me going in the morning!
Iron Savior | Unification |
Iron Maiden | Brave New World |
In Flames | The Jester Race Whoracle |
Rob Halford | Resurrection |
Nightwish | Wishmaster |
Rhapsody | Symphony of Enchanted Lands |
Aska | Avenger |
Gamma Ray | Powerplant |
Kamelot | The Fourth Legacy |
Sentenced | The Cold White Light |
Sonata Arctica | Ecliptica |
Primal Fear | Nuclear Fire |
Angel Dust | Enlighten the Darkness |
Iced Earth | Horror Show |
Dark Tranquillity | Haven |
Children of Bodom | Follow the Reaper |
Insomnium | In the Halls of Waiting |
Poisonblack | Escapexstacy |
Kalmah | Swamplord |
Noumena | Absence |
2006 Redfire Mustang GT w/18" rims & 1000 watt stereo - Yeeha!
My Mustang
I wash it every week without fail and I have only had to go to traffic school twice (so far)...
"Dragonbone" from the 1970s. Very nerdy. It electronically "rolls" any sort of dice and displays the result on its LEDs.
Dungeons & Dragons
I have been role-playing for about 25 years now. I get together bi-weekly with some friends for what we call "cooperative storytelling" - but it's actually more of an excuse to socialize than anything else. Lately we've been playing online together in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) called Lord of the Rings Online.
Snow White concept drawing,
Albert Hurter, ca. 1935Early Animation Art
For the past 15 years I've collected production art from the early days of animation. For the most part I've concentrated on origional drawings from Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. My brother, Steve, has a well established reputation in animation art restoration. See Vintage Ink & Paint he is also Director of the ASIFA Hollywood Animation Archive.
Edison Home Phonograph,
ca. 1901Antique Phonographs
I first started collecting antique phonographs and recordings when I was 14 years old (I mowed a lot of lawns to earn my Edison cylinder machine.) Haven't done much with it since, although I dig out my John Phillip Sousa band recordings and my Victrola every July 4th. It was my collection of Caruso records that got me hooked on Italian Grand Opera. Lucia Di Lammermoor is my absolute favorite!
worth@ucla.edu, 27 February 2012