Don's Civil Wargasms
Some of the photos are panoramas, assembled from multiple photos. To view them to best effect, size your window so that an image approximately square is visible, then scroll left and right, imagining you are turning your head from from side to side.

Summer 1998 East Coast Tour:

Manassas, VA
Antietam (Sharpsburg), MD
Fredericksburg, VA
Chancellorsville, VA

135th Gettysburg Reenactment

Trip to Charleston (and Fort Sumter) October 1999

October 2000 Trip to Tennessee, Mississippi & Georgia:
Battle of Franklin
Fort Donnelson
The 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Shiloh
Stones River (Murfreesboro) 
Photo Journal from my UCLA Gettysburg Class, July/Aug 2001

Sherman's Atlanta Campaign in October 2002

Fort Tejon, a Civil War Era Fort in Southern California

Hi Jolly's Grave in Quartzite, AZ, October 2003, 4/16/2005