Battle of Chickamauga
Jay's Mill, opening shots in the batttle (looking north-east)
Bragg's Headquarters on the Brotherton Road
Gen. Thomas's battleline on the left flank where the heaviest
fighting occurred most of the second day. (looking south)
Gen. King's HQ overlooking Kelly Field (looking north)
Brotherton Cabin near Longstreet's penetration of the Union line
(looking south)
Wilder Brigade Monument, where Col. John Wilder and his mounted
infantry held off the Longstreet assault briefly, allowing Thomas
to form a defense on Snodgrass Hill. (looking north-west)
Snodgrass cabin on the slopes of Snodgrass Hill (looking north)
Gen. Thomas's HQ just behind Snodgrass Hill
Monuments on the crest of Snodgrass Hill