The 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
at Shiloh

(North is to the left on this map)
The first position of the 48th OVI was below the "YOU ARE
HERE" point about 400 yards.

Site of Shiloh Church - reconstruction of original log building

Camp site of the 48th Ohio (facing North)

Camp site of the 48th Ohio facing south toward the enemy attack

Site of the 48th OVI monument, the first line of battle 200 yds
south of the camp site. The camp is in the woods behind the monument.

Detail of the 48th OVI monument.

Position of the Confenderates facing north. Shiloh branch in
foreground, 48th OVI position up the further bank about 200 feet.

Initial position of the 70th Ohio Vol. Inf. who were on the 48th
OVI's left flank

Monument of the 72nd Ohio which was on the 48th's right flank.

Right flank of Cleburne's Brigade who faced Buckland's Brigand
(and the 48th OVI) facing North. Shiloh branch is just behind
the sign and Shiloh church is up the Corinth Road about 300 yards.

About 100 yards north of previous photo on same road. At the
left (facing west) you can see the monuments of the 70th Ohio
(on right) and opposing Confederate unit (larger one on left).
The first position of the 48th OVI is beyond those monuments
in the woods another 200 yards. Modern Shiloh church is on extreme
right of photo (facing north).

Purdy Road facing West, behind 48th OVI camp (in woods to the
left of photo)

Final position of Buckland's Brigade on the first day (April
6), facing South.

Detail of sign above.

First position of Buckland's brigade on second day (April 7),
facing south. Second position is 500 yards south, in the woods
in the middle-distance.

Detail of sign above.

Second position of Buckland's Brigade on second day. Facing southeast.

Detail of sign above.

48th OVI Burial site - on same ridge as previous photo, west
and across Highway 22.

Detail of sign above.

Sign for Fallen Timbers (this sign is located just south of historic
Monterey (now called Michie) on Highway 22, however the actual
location of Fallen Timbers is closer to Shiloh.

Fallen Timbers, facing West. (Correct location)